Do you struggle with pricing?
What if there was a simpler way?



When asked, most cake business owners will tell you they love to create and hate to price.
Why is this task so overwhelming for so many people?

There is nothing worse than having to create a price for a potential customer when you are unsure of the process.

It is something a lot dread, don’t know where to start, are muddled by maths and frankly embarrassed to admit it.

They’ve leapt into their passion but never learned the business skills they need to make their business thrive.

Does this sound like you?

  • You just don’t know where to start when it comes to pricing your goods. 

  • You struggle to produce a final price that compensates you not only ingredients, but a lot of other costs too.

  • You don’t know how to value your skills or your time. 

  • You don’t know how long a contract might take or how to accurately estimate a job

  • You don’t have the tools you need to keep track of your costs and time spent

  • It feels strange to charge for something that is so pleasurable to do

  • You fear raising prices will drive new or loyal customers away

  • You’re ready to make more money, enjoy more free time, and feel better about your business

What if you could get rid of the fear, overwhelm and confusion that comes with trying to price your goods without understanding the process? What if you could confidently price any order in a way that values your time and your level of skill, clearing the way for you to focus on making your customer happy?

Cake Pricing Pro is split in manageable chunks of bite sized pieces. 6 modules. Each module being 35 – 45 minutes long.  Its available 24/7 so you can study at your own convenience.

Module 1:

Price enquiry.   When a request for a price arrives – its all systems go.  Learn our hints and tips on dealing with new customers.

Module 2:

Responding – What do you do and in what order so has to ensure the best outcome for both the customer and your cake business?

Module 3:

Investigating.  Know all the current prices for your regular ingredients and sundries, is a great start. Short circuit the time required to prepare a quote!

Module 4:

Calculating.  Using our signature product loved by many, will give you easy ways to price your products and add in extras too.

Module 5:

Evaluating.  Our time needs to be costed out in order to ensure that we get paid for our hours.

Module 6:

Success  -  An accurate quote is arrived at.  And an accurate quote means you are not losing money and spending less time on arriving at estimates in the first place. 

Cake Pricing Pro also includes these tools

  • Cake Calculator

    This product has been sold into 54 countries across the world. And makes pricing up your cakes, keeping records and estimating second time around a breeze. Using this extremely useful way of preparing quotes will save hours of wondering and time wasting. Join our thousands of decorators who already use this to accurately price.


    Shorten your admin time by getting organised with our Master Ingredients List. Using this and keeping it up to date will make for extremely efficient and effective pricing.


    Our unique Success Pathway sets out the very clear route that you need to travel to arrive at Cake Pricing Pro success.


  • Cake Wages Wizard

    Many cake decorators’ express confusion over working out what their hourly rate could be. Using this small but mighty calculator – along with our instructions, to pin point your preferred hourly rate. Getting clarity upon what you COULD earn, when fully booked, goes a long way to getting your pricing structure right at the start.

  • Captivating Conversations

    Being aware of how customers favour conversing with you – along with a few negotiation hints and tricks, means the odds of your likelihood of securing a firm order will be stacked firmly in your favour. Find out what your competitors don’t know about gaining orders, happy customers and have them returning too.

  • Why People Decide Not to Buy

    Cake Decorators have traditionally assumed that a rejection on their offering was all to do with the price. But what if it wasn’t that? What if there are other factors coming into play? And what can we do to help our customer decide to chose you as their decorator of choice?

Let's talk about the value

What could be the cost – if you had to purchase this help individually?

Total value of Cake Pricing Pro

6 Modules (value £197)
Cake Calculator (value £19)
Master Ingredients list (value £10)


Video - Captivating conversation in less than one hour
Learn the skills to successfully securing orders from customers (value £47)
Essential hints to turn an enquiry into a firm cake order – at a price you want
Video – Why people decide not to buy (and it’s not always about the price) (value £47)
Knowing what else a customer is seeking is key to selling bespoke cakes and
having happy customers returning again and again.
File - Cake Wages Wizard (value £19)

Discover the value of your time with this ingenious wizard and stop undercharging for your time.

£339 (Less 42% discount: £142) Only £197

If all this Cake Pricing Pro and associated bonuses package did was give you the confidence to sell 6 more cakes at a £35 increase – the cost of your course is more than covered.

We only want happy and contented customers and offer a 30-day money back guarantee.
Just let us know and your refund will be actioned as fast as is possible.

Hi - my name is Karen MacFadyen and I am a Cake Business Coach

There's a glaring problem I've noticed in the cake and baking world...

Most cake decorators who try to uplevel their hobby into a proper business are confident and highly-skilled as bakers...

...but they've never developed the business skills needed to get organized, ask for money and get paid their true worth.

THIS is why I created Cake Coach Online.
This day and age everyone is told they can launch a business - but as 50% of Aspiring Cake Biz Owners have sadly found out - this is lie.

Without the business skills and knowledge needed to RUN your business, it won't MATTER how talented and passionate you are - you're still likely to crash and burn..

And without the right business skills and knowledge this can lead to a painful sequence of events:

  • Guessing prices, Discounting and Price Wars – all of which undervalue your time and talent.

  • Taking on WRONG clients and filling ANY orders – creating exhaustion and frustration for a skill you once loved.

  • Having a completely full order book, working until the early hours of the morning and realising you still are not making any money for your troubles.

  • Struggling with a sense of failure and imposter syndrome

When this happens, you haven't created a business... you've created a nightmare that you can't possibly enjoy.

You have a choice...

When surveyed, an overwhelming number of cake decorators reported that pricing was their #1 challenge.

You can choose to continue struggling with pricing for each cake, and greatly undervalue your time... causing you to get overwhelmed, overworked, and fed up with a hobby you once enjoyed.

And maybe you'll eventually hit your huge business goals using the "bake until you drop" method, maybe you won't.

But the truth is... I don't want that for you.

And I don't think you want that either, or you wouldn't be on this page.

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