The Top 15 Challenges That Cake Decorators Face, and How To Navigate Them

If you are ready to build your cake decorating business — it's best to be forewarned right?

In this Comprehensive Guide I share the Top 15 Challenges that our cake decorating community face and how to navigate them. Get it here!

Get the most out of your Cake Business




Karen J. MacFadyen, founder of Cake Coach Online, is a devoted mom, award winning and successful business coach in the UK, and established cake decorator with sugar craft certification from City & Guilds.

The Cake Circle Membership

Take your passion to the next level, with all the expert training, tools and support you need to thrive. Cake Circle Members have automatic access to every resource and workshop published by Cake Coach Online.

From business foundations to online promotions and templates, the membership is the idea incubator for new or seasoned cake business bosses looking to thrive.

Whether you’re just starting your business or you want to take it to the next level, The Cake Circle is here for you!

Take Your Cake Business to the Next Level

Testimonials from Happy Customers…

  • “I have been baking for the past 10 years but my focus has been only on developing recipes and merely baking cakes for others. Pricing was based on what I feel was right, I realised now I was hardly making any profit! What I got with Cash for Cakes System was more than what I paid for. I have bought a few online kits on helping bakers run their business but this is the BEST so far! Thank you.”

    M. Shariff – Malaysia

  • “I am sure this is going to be of great help to me as I have always had the problem of not really knowing what to charge and being told by other cake bakers that I am far too cheap!”

    Jill Heaney – South Africa

  • “Thought I would drop you a line to thank you for the cake calculator app. I purchased it after seeing it on Facebook. I’m so glad I did! It is worth every penny. As a ‘technophobe’ I have found this app so easy to use, from inputting my data to copying and saving my own costing sheets for future reference. So much more professional!”

    Carol Lowdon – UK

Inspiring Cake Business Owners Worldwide!